Ultrasound Specialist Questions and Answers
Ultrasounds provide an opportunity to view a sonogram which is an image that shows what is going on inside the human body, organs, and tissues. Contact us today to learn more about the service Dr. Michelle Trandai offers in Chicago, IL or visit us online to book an appointment.

Table of Contents:
What is an ultrasound specialist called?
How is an ultrasound used in gynecology?
When should you get a mammogram?
What’s the difference between an ultrasound and sonography?
An ultrasound specialist is known as a medical sonographer; however, the two terms are often used interchangeably, an ultrasound is the use of technology where during the procedure the ultrasound uses sound waves to create images from inside the human body. This produces images that provides medical sonographers or ultrasound specialists the ability to review your health and provide images to the doctor to review and go over anything that may be concerning.
Ultrasounds are a safe and affordable way of imaging technology to provide medical professionals information to make a diagnosis in regards to your soft tissue and organs inside the body.
Gynecologists use pelvic ultrasounds, which is a test that produces sound waves to provide a picture of the inside of the body, specifically the pelvis. It allows the doctor, like Dr. Trandai to view the bladder, cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
To view these areas on the female patients, the ultrasound can be done two different ways:
– Transabdominal
Is done using a small hand-held device which is scanned back and forth over your lower abdomen.
– Transvaginal
Is a thin, long device that is called a transducer, it is lubricated for ease of access in to your vagina.
Ultrasounds are completed as a means to:
– Find a cause for any urinary issues
– Find what is causing the patient’s pelvic pain
– Review for causes of vaginal bleeding and other menstrual problems
– Check for any growth factors of masses that may be ovarian cysts or uterine fibroids
– Check to see if the fertilized egg is growing outside of the uterus which is known as tubal pregnancy
– Confirm wherein the pregnancy the patient is at, and check on the baby’s heartbeat and growth
– Make sure the inserted IUD (intrauterine device) has been placed correctly
To use the ultrasound machine, will depend on the type of ultrasound completed:
– Transabdominal Ultrasound
Patients will lie down on their back on the provided medical examination table. A warm lube-type gel will be spread over the lower abdomen which improves the transmission of the sound waves being relayed through the hand-held transducer. This transducer is pressed somewhat hard into the belly and gently moved back and forth to get better images for the medical sonographer to capture images of. The images can be seen on a video monitor for the patient to review.
– Transvaginal Ultrasound
Patients will lie down on their back on the provided medical examination table with their knees bent upwards and their feet and legs either near their bum or in the supported footrests, depending on the type of examination table. The tip of the thin, long, lubricated transducer probe will be placed gently at the entrance of the vagina. The medical sonographer will have the patient insert it, and they will take hold again after and move it around to get a complete view. The images taken from the ultrasound exam will be available to review on the video monitor.
All medical professionals agree early screenings are critical and important as they save lives. While the exact age of when a female should get their first mammogram depends on many variables including their health background and family history, normally women should start getting routine mammograms at the age of 45.
The ultimate difference between ultrasound and sonography is the fact that an ultrasound is a machine that is used to take images of the inside cavities of the human body. While a sonogram is an image that the ultrasound generates. Dr. Michelle Trandai provides ultrasound services to patients that are in need of ultrasound for many reasons. If you are looking for a new OB/GYN who provides multiple services and is able to provide professional medical services from your young adult years to past your menopause time. We serve patients from Chicago IL, Evanston IL, Ravenswood IL, Uptown IL, Lake View IL, Lincoln Park IL, Buena Park IL, Bowmanville IL, Boystown IL, and Roscoe Village, IL.