IUD Placement Specialist in Chicago, IL
IUD placement is a minor procedure typically performed in a doctor’s office. This process usually takes a few minutes and may cause temporary cramping. IUDs offer effective, long-term birth control and can be inserted at various points in a woman’s menstrual cycle, including immediately after childbirth or abortion. Visit us today at Dr. Michelle Trandai MD, OBGYN. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 5449 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640.
Table of Contents:
Is IUD insertion painful?
What happens after an IUD insertion?
What are the steps for IUD insertion?
How long do IUDs last?
At Dr. Michelle Trandai’s practice, intrauterine devices (IUDs) are offered as a part of her comprehensive women’s health services. IUDs are highly effective contraceptive devices that are inserted into the uterus. The procedure typically involves placing the IUD through the cervix into the uterine cavity. Although most patients at Dr. Trandai’s practice tolerate this procedure well, some may experience varying degrees of pain, which can range from mild discomfort to sharp, intense pain or cramping.
Factors Influencing Pain Level for IUD Insertion:
● Individual Pain Threshold: At Dr. Trandai’s practice, it’s understood that each patient has a unique pain
threshold. This can influence the level of discomfort experienced during the IUD insertion.
● Uterine Anatomy: Dr. Trandai considers the unique size, shape, and position of the patient’s uterus, as these factors can influence the ease of insertion and the degree of discomfort experienced.
● Cervical Opening: The condition of the cervix is also considered, as a narrow or tight cervix can make insertion more challenging and potentially painful.
● Provider’s Technique: Dr. Trandai’s expertise and experience in performing IUD insertions can help minimize the pain level experienced by patients.
● Medication Use: Dr. Trandai may offer medications such as pain relievers or anti-anxiety agents to help manage pain during the procedure.
Pain Management Strategies at Dr. Michelle Trandai’s Practice:
● Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers: Dr. Trandai may recommend taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen prior to the procedure to help reduce discomfort.
● Local Anesthetic: In some cases, Dr. Trandai may use a local anesthetic to numb the cervix before insertion.
● Deep Breathing Exercises: Patients at Dr. Trandai’s practice are guided through deep breathing and relaxation techniques to help reduce anxiety and discomfort during the procedure.
● Pelvic Floor Exercises: Dr. Trandai may recommend exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which can make the cervix more flexible and reduce pain during insertion.
Cramping and discomfort following IUD insertion is common. Dr. Trandai recommends warm compresses, pain relievers, and rest to alleviate these symptoms. If pain persists or worsens, patients are encouraged to contact Dr. Trandai immediately.
Dr. Michelle Trandai, M.D., a highly experienced gynecologist and obstetrician based in Chicago, IL, offers a range of pregnancy prevention options, including IUD (intrauterine device) insertions. As a specialist in this field, she ensures that patients are well-informed about what to expect after an IUD insertion procedure.
Immediate Aftercare: Following an IUD implantation at Dr. Trandai’s clinic, you may feel discomfort or tenderness in your lower abdomen. This is generally moderate and resolves within a few minutes to a few days. During the first several months, you may notice spotting or irregular bleeding. This is a normal reaction to your body adapting to the new equipment. Over-the-counter pain medications can help ease discomfort.
Follow-Up Appointment: Dr. Trandai will schedule a follow-up visit about a month after the procedure. This is to ensure that the IUD is in its proper place, and you aren’t experiencing any complications.
Monitoring Your Period and IUD: Your menstrual periods may change after the IUD insertion. Depending on the type of IUD inserted by Dr. Trandai, your periods might either become lighter and less painful or heavier and more painful. She will advise you to check your IUD strings regularly, especially in the first few months.
Potential Side Effects: Some patients might experience side effects such as irregular bleeding, pelvic pain, acne, mood swings, nausea, and breast tenderness post-IUD insertion. Dr. Trandai provides comprehensive guidance on managing these potential side effects.
Serious Complications: Serious complications like uterine perforation, infection, or ectopic pregnancy are rare but if you experience severe pain, heavy bleeding or abnormal discharge, you should seek immediate medical attention at Dr. Trandai’s clinic.
Long-Term Considerations: IUDs are long-lasting contraceptives that can be effective for several years. Dr. Trandai will advise you on when to have the IUD removed or replaced after its recommended lifespan.
While IUDs are a highly effective form of contraception, they don’t protect against sexually transmitted infections. Dr. Trandai will remind you of the importance of using additional protection with new partners or if there’s a risk of STIs.
Always consult Dr. Trandai if you have any concerns or are experiencing unusual symptoms after an IUD insertion.
Dr. Michelle Trandai, a highly experienced OB/GYN, provides her patients with comprehensive women’s health care services, including the insertion of intrauterine devices (IUDs). This procedure can be highly effective for long-term birth control and involves several steps.
1. Pre-Insertion Examination: Dr. Trandai first conducts a detailed medical history analysis and physical examination, including a pelvic examination, to evaluate the size and orientation of the uterus. This critical step helps to exclude any conditions that may interfere with the IUD insertion, such as pelvic infection or pregnancy. She ensures the vagina and cervix are sterilized with an antiseptic solution to minimize the risk of infection.
2. Speculum Insertion: Following sterilization, Dr. Trandai utilizes a speculum to keep the vagina open and visualize the cervix. A tenaculum may be used to stabilize the cervix, ensuring a smooth and precise procedure.
3. Sounding: To accurately measure the depth of the uterus, Dr. Trandai uses a sterile instrument known as a uterine sound. This guides the placement of the IUD in the most suitable position.
4. IUD Preparation: Once the uterus’s size is determined, Dr. Trandai carefully prepares the IUD by loading it into a specialized applicator tube.
5. IUD Insertion: The applicator tube is then gently inserted through the cervix and into the uterus, using the sound as a guide. The IUD is released from the applicator tube and expands into its normal shape within the uterus.
6. String Trimming: After the IUD is in place, Dr. Trandai trims the IUD’s strings, so they just protrude through the cervix into the vagina. These strings facilitate easy removal of the IUD in the future.
7. Post-Procedure Check and Follow-Up: Post-insertion, Dr. Trandai performs a final check to confirm the correct placement of the IUD and rule out any complications. She also ensures that the patient can feel the IUD strings, enabling the patient to self-monitor the IUD placement. Dr. Trandai schedules a follow-up appointment within a few weeks post-procedure to ensure the IUD remains correctly positioned and is functioning as expected.
Each patient’s experience varies, and Dr. Trandai encourages open communication to address any concerns or questions. Mild discomfort or cramping post-procedure is normal and can usually be mitigated with over-the-counter pain medication.
We understand the importance of effective and reliable contraception methods. One such method that we often recommend is the intrauterine device (IUD). These small, T-shaped devices are inserted into the uterus and are known for their long-lasting and efficient contraceptive attributes.
Currently, we offer two types of IUDs: hormonal and copper. Hormonal IUDs, such as Mirena, Kyleena, Skyla, Liletta, Nexplanon, and Femring, release either progestin or a combination of progestin and estrogen. Depending on the brand, these IUDs can effectively prevent pregnancy for up to 5 years.
The Copper IUD, commonly known as Paragard, is a non-hormonal contraceptive that can prevent birth for up to 10 years. It emits copper ions into the uterus, creating an environment that is hostile to sperm.
At our practice, we understand that the effectiveness of an IUD can be influenced by various factors such as age, reproductive history, the placement of the IUD, and certain medical conditions or medications. Therefore, we emphasize the importance of regular check-ups to ensure the IUD is still functioning correctly and in the proper position.
As the effectiveness of your IUD nears its end, we recommend scheduling an appointment with Dr. Trandai to discuss replacement options. If you decide to start a family, you can have the IUD removed at any time, and your fertility will typically return quickly.
While IUDs are extremely effective in preventing conception, they do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). We advocate using condoms in combination with IUDs for complete STI prevention.
Dr. Trandai is ready to help you decide which type of IUD is best for you and to address any potential side effects or concerns. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 5449 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640. We serve patients from Chicago IL, Evanston IL, Ravenswood IL, Uptown IL, Lake View IL, Lincoln Park IL, Buena Park IL, Bowmanville IL, Boystown IL and Roscoe Village, IL.