Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Treatment Specialist Questions and Answers
Dr. Michelle Trandai specializes in OBGYN services including HPV Treatment, so if you are in search of a good HPV specialist in Chicago, IL look nowhere else and come straight to our clinic. For more information, call us today or visit us online to book an appointment.
Table of Contents:
What is human papillomavirus (HPV)?
What are the symptoms of HPV?
What is the association between HPV and cervical cancer?
What is the treatment for HPV?
HPV is known medically as the human papillomavirus, which is the most common STD for individuals to contract. While HPV is normally harmless and goes away by itself; however, some types can lead to cancer or genital warts.
There are over 200 types of human papillomavirus, and on average there are about 40 different kinds that can infect the genital area, the genital area includes:
– Vulva
– Vagina
– Cervix
– Rectum
– Anus
– Penis, and
– Scrotum,
Other areas include your mouth and throat. These certain types of human papillomavirus are spread through sexual contact, while others are not.
Most have been infected with HPV in their lives, but due to not showing any symptoms, they have not known they are infected with the virus. The two types which are considered the lowest risk of HPV are type 6 and 11, which are the lowest risk due to not leading to cancer or other serious health issues, while type 16 and 18 are the highest risk, as they lead to the majority of cancer cases seen.
There are different symptoms that can occur in females depending where the human papillomavirus is present.
HPV symptoms in the cervix:
– Warts can develop on the cervix
– Cervical cancer can develop if the infected cells change and begin to divide uncontrollably
Some symptoms that may occur with advanced cervical cancer include:
– Pain during intercourse
– Pain in the pelvic region
– Unusual discharge from the vagina
– Unusual bleeding after sex
– Unexplained weight loss
– Difficult to urinate or have bowel movements
– Blood in the urine
HPV symptoms in the Vagina and Vulva:
– Warts on the vulva
– Vagina and vulva cancer may develop if the infected cells change and begin to divide uncontrollably
Some symptoms that may occur with vaginal cancer include:
– Bleeding after intercourse
– Unusual discharge
– Lump in the vagina
– Pain during sex
Some symptoms that may occur with vulva cancer include:
– Patch of lighter or darker skin
– Discolored lumps or bumps
– Thickening of the skin
– Itching
– Pain
– Bleeding
– Open sores that do not heal within a month
HPV symptoms in the throat:
– Warts on the back of the throat
– Warts on the base of the tongue
– Warts near the tonsils
– Throat cancer is also known as oropharyngeal cancer may develop if the infected cells change and begin to divide uncontrollably
Symptoms that may occur with oropharyngeal cancer include:
– Persistent sore throat
– Ear pain
– Hoarse throat
– Swollen lymph nodes
– Painful to swallow
– Unexplained weight loss
Low-risk human papillomavirus can show warts that develop on the cervix which can cause irritation and pain and possibly bleeding. However, there is a high risk of human papillomavirus if the virus remains in the body for several years, which may infect cells that can then change and begin to divide uncontrollably which would result in cancer.
It is important for females to have a pap smear exam every 3 to 5 years if they do not have any abnormal test results, as a pap smear can show the presence of early cervical cancer or even precancerous cells which often showcase symptoms.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for human papillomavirus, but doctors like Dr. Michelle Trandai can treat the conditions that human papillomavirus causes and remove those cells which appear to be cancerous or precancerous.
Dr. Michelle Trandai may treat genital warts with the following:
– Prescription medication
– Cryosurgery
– Lasers
– Electric currents
– Surgery
If you are showing symptoms of HPV, or you want to have a doctor do a routine physical exam with a pap smear exam, contact our clinic today! Dr. Michelle Trandai is available by appointment. We serve patients from Chicago IL, Evanston IL, Ravenswood IL, Uptown IL, Lake View IL, Lincoln Park IL, Buena Park IL, Bowmanville IL, Boystown IL, and Roscoe Village, IL.