Adolescent Gynecology Specialist in Chicago, IL
Adolescent gynecology is concerned with the reproductive health of teenagers and young adults. A variety of illnesses relating to the female reproductive system, such as menstruation issues, pelvic floor disorders, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy, are evaluated and treated in adolescent gynecology. Numerous advantages can result from seeking treatment from a gynecologist who specializes in adolescent gynecology. These include compassionate and private care, reproductive health education, avoiding unintended pregnancies, and accurate diagnosis and treatment of gynecological issues like menstrual disorders, pelvic pain, and STDs. Frequent visits to the gynecologist can also aid in the early identification of potential health problems, which can have a positive impact on results and general health. For proper guidance, visit us today at Dr. Michelle Trandai MD, OBGYN. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 5449 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640.

Table of Contents:
What is adolescent gynecology?
Why is adolescent gynecology important?
How often should you go to the gynecologist in your 20s?
What happens at your first gynecologist appointment?
Puberty is a fascinating time for both the body and mind. Teenagers experience profound physical changes, changes in social status and relationships and the emergence of their sexual identity. Many changes occur within the reproductive system, including the menstrual cycle and breast development. Adolescents have a fascinating journey through their own unique bodies and mind.
Physical changes in adolescence are extensive. The body undergoes many changes during this period, such as height, weight, skin tone, hair growth, and body shape. Teenagers also have stronger senses than children and adults. Their eyesight is much improved and they can also hear much better. Teens also have stronger immune systems and are less susceptible to disease. Many aspects of the body change in response to the stress of adolescence.
Adolescents have a difficult journey through their own unique bodies and mind. They experience many physical changes and emotional stress related to puberty. Although difficult, these times are essential for developing key skills that will last throughout the rest of their life.
Adolescent gynecologists are subspecialists who undergo further preparation after completing their initial training in obstetrics and gynecology.
Youth gynecologists care for children, adolescents and young women with gynecological problems. These gynecological problems can range from ovarian cysts in newborns to problems with puberty or menstrual difficulties. Both medical and surgical problems of the reproductive organs of children, adolescents and young adults can be treated.
The most notable physical change for teenagers is a sudden increase in growth rate. Height is one of the most obvious measurements to change during this period. Teens can also gain weight rapidly due to a heightened appetite. Hair growth is also much faster during adolescence; this is due to increased hormone levels that stimulate hair growth. The skin also darkens due to the increased production of melanin. Teenagers also have a superior capacity for recovery from injury since their cells are more durable than those of adults.
The body undergoes many internal changes too during adolescence- especially in response to changes in hormone levels. Puberty brings a jump in sexual drive as well as an improved ability to produce sex hormones. Teenage boys also begin producing testosterone, which gives them greater energy and motivation as well as certain masculine characteristics such as a deep voice and facial hair growth on the face and chest. Women go through similar cycles of increasing estrogen levels that give them breasts, long feminine hair and a tendency toward femininity – although some women go through a complete male-to-female transition during this stage of life without even realizing it.
Gynecologists often treat patients with confidential sensitive and private information. As the child gets older, she may choose to maintain a relationship with the gynecologist.
An important part of gynecological health is the annual Pap test. This is usually not required until age 21. However, teens may see a gynecologist for issues they may not feel comfortable discussing with their parents or pediatrician to ensure their overall health is on track, including menstruation, sexuality and relationships, pregnancy, and STDs.
An OB/GYN can help young women with their overall health by maintaining a healthy weight and building confidence in their body, identifying healthy habits for healthy bones, treating urinary tract infections, and providing treatment for vaginal itching, discharge, or odour.
Visiting the OB/GYN provides a platform to discuss what is normal and what is abnormal, including pain, menstrual flow, cycle length, bleeding during menstruation, and ways to manage PMS.
Women between the ages of 21 and 29 should see their gynecologist for regular checkups every year, and in between, if problems arise. If you were sexually active before age 21, you should also see a gynecologist every year. Young women under the age of 21 who are not sexually active can usually see a gynecologist every two years. The ideal time for a first date is around the age of 16. If you are not sexually active, a pelvic exam is usually not needed. However, a pelvic exam can be done if you have any questions or concerns.
Your first appointment will depend on your age, medical history and health concerns. For teens, the first doctor visit can be just a chat with the doctor! In other cases, doctors may do a physical exam. Even if they don’t end up finishing, it’s good to know what to expect on these exams.
Some of the different exams include:
– Breast examination
– A breast exam may be done to look for lumps or cysts.
– Pap smear and pelvic exam
– A pelvic exam is used to find possible signs of ovarian cysts, sexually transmitted infections, uterine fibroids, or early cancer. A pelvic exam usually also includes a Pap smear to screen for cervical cancer.
– While feeling uncomfortable is normal, no part of this exam should be painful.
Adolescent gynecology is an important part of your healthcare. During your early teens, late teens, and even your young adult years, your body is going through many different changes that can bring upon different emotions and bodily changes, which is why it is so important to have an adolescent gynecologist. Visit us today at Dr. Michelle Trandai MD, OBGYN. For more information, contact us or schedule an appointment online. We are conveniently located at 5449 N Broadway, Chicago, IL 60640. We serve patients from Chicago IL, Evanston IL, Ravenswood IL, Uptown IL, Lake View IL, Lincoln Park IL, Buena Park IL, Bowmanville IL, Boystown IL and Roscoe Village, IL.